Infant Baptism is generally celebrated during regular weekend liturgies. Please contact the parish office at 794-0222 to make arrangements.
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are offered to children in 2nd grade and older. Children must be registered and participating in weekly religious education class and attending Mass on a regular basis to be eligible to participate in this preparation. Sessions specific to First Reconciliation take place in January with reception of the sacrament in February. Sessions specific to First Holy Communion take place in March and April with the reception of the sacrament in May. Contact Chantal Emerson, Director of Religious Education, ext. 18. for information. Sacrament Preparation Requirements
The Sacrament of Confirmation is usually celebrated in the 10th grade. Confirmation is one of the initiation sacraments, along with Baptism and Eucharist. This sacrament is called Confirmation because the faith given in Baptism is now confirmed and made strong. Contact Chantal Emerson, Director of Religious Education, ext. 18. for information, Detailed Confirmation Information
Adults wishing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation should also contact Deacon Jim Eckert.
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children is a program that meets the needs of adults and children whose sacramental requirements fall outside the usual programs and timetables. Adults wishing to become Catholic, and children ages 7-17 who wish to be baptized in the Catholic faith are welcomed to the parish faith community through the RCIA programs. For information about Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults or Children ages 7-17, contact Deacon Jim Eckert, 794-0222.
For Adults
RCIA is the process for interested individuals who are unbaptized or baptized in another Christian faith tradition to learn and discern what it means to be Catholic. After having heard about the mystery of Christ, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the individual takes the necessary steps to enter into full communion with the community of believers through the Sacraments of Initiation.
For Children
In the early church, children of the age of reason prepared to join the Church along with the adults. When they were ready, they were welcomed into the church during the Easter Vigil, receiving the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Holy Eucharist (Communion), and Confirmation. This ancient tradition slowly dissipated in Western Europe and throughout the Americas. Following the Second Vatican Council, the Bishops asked that this ancient tradition be restored, and so following the guidelines of the US Council of Catholic Bishops, children seven years of age and older (the age of reason) participate in RCIA for children, and receive all three sacraments of initiation at the same time at the Easter Vigil Mass.
Please contact the Pastor to make arrangements at 794-0222. After consulting with the pastor, Deacon Steve Haut will coordinate the marriage preparation program and paperwork.
Anointing of the Sick
Please contact the parish office at 794-0222 to inform us of a parishioner's illness. Arrangements will be made for a home or hospital visitation, and an anointing by the Pastor, if desired.
Holy Orders
Are you being called to serve the Lord as a Priest, Deacon, Sister or Brother? Please visit the Diocese of Richmond's Vocations website,