If you would like information about any of the Liturgical Ministries, contact Patricia Schrock, 794-0222, ext. 15, or fill out the Liturgical Ministry Interest Form below.
Mass Coordinators and Head Ministers
The Mass Coordinator is responsible for all activities, before, during and after mass that occur off the altar. This requires an individual to have good people skills, understand the sequence of the mass and be a Eucharistic Minister.
The Head Minister assists with preparation of the vessels and altar area for weekend liturgies. Ministers must be a Catholic with a deep love of the Eucharist and a desire to assist the Presider at mass. Training is provided for both positions, and Ministers are asked to participate in funeral and wedding liturgies on occasion, if available.
Ministers of Hospitality
Ministers of Hospitality welcome parishioners and visitors alike and assist those with special needs before, during and after mass. Ushers gather the offering; provide hospitality, and distribute the parish bulletin following mass. Families, and Middle and High School students are encouraged to participate.
Members of the Lector Ministry proclaim the scripture at the weekend liturgies, lead the prayers of the faithful, and read the mass announcements each week. A love of scripture and the willingness to proclaim the Word is all that is needed to participate in this Liturgical ministry. Lectors read approximately once a month, at a mass time of their choosing, and participate in a required annual training workshop.
Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic Ministers assist with distribution of Communion under both species at weekend liturgies. Catholic Adults and Youth, grade 10 and up, are invited to participate. You may serve at your preferred Mass. The schedule is set in advance with rotation every three weeks. Training is provided.
Arts and Environment
The Arts and Environment Ministry coordinates the visual appearance of the church, carefully selecting flowers, artwork, and decorations to create a prayerful worship environment during the various seasons of the liturgical year. Volunteers are always welcome and needed, both to help create and change the decorations, and to water and care for the live plants in the Centrum, Minor Worship Chapel, and Commons.