Thank you for visiting this website. For information about any of the Pastoral Care Ministries, please contact Dana Zambrano, Outreach Coordinator, 794-0222, ext. 12, or fill out the Pastoral Care Ministries Interest Form.
Cards of Concern
This special ministry offers resources and support for those who are ill or who have lost a loved one. Volunteers make contact directly or by sending cards to express the community’s care and concern.
Communion Ministries
Communion Ministry is a ministry of visitation to the homebound and those in hospitals, nursing homes, recovery and correctional facilities to share Communion, Scripture and prayer. Opportunities to serve are scheduled in advance. You will be contacted to serve and may accept or decline, as your schedule allows.
The Emmaus Journey
To meet the spiritual needs of parents whose children of any age have died by any cause, no matter how long ago, the Diocese of Richmond offers The Emmaus Journey. A faith-based, day-long, spiritual retreat for grieving parents offered by a team which includes grieving parents, spiritual directors, priests, deacons, and parish leaders, The Emmaus Journey offers parents a safe place where they can seek peace, comfort, and hope. For more information, please visit
Funeral Liturgy Ministry
Are you already a Head Minister, Mass Coordinator, Minister of Hospitality, Eucharistic Minister or Lector? If so, and if you are available during the day, you may wish to serve in that capacity at funeral liturgies. You will be contacted by phone or email in advance and may accept or decline, as your schedule allows. If you do not currently serve in one of these ministries, but would like to, you are invited to attend a training session and begin serving.
Praying Hands Ministry
Members of the Praying Hands Ministry gather once a week to knit or crochet Prayer Shawls, baby blankets, hats, lap blankets and other items. These items are created with prayers and blessings for those needing comfort at difficult or challenging times in their lives. This group meets Wednesday mornings from 10:00 until noon, but members also work at home. New members are invited.