If you would like information about any of the Music Ministries, contact Patricia Schrock, Director of Music, 794-0222, ext. 15, or fill out the Music Ministry Interest Form.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is an adult mixed choir that supports and enhances the singing at the 8:30 and 11 am Masses. They also participate in Advent Lessons & Carols, Holy Week and special liturgies throughout the year. They sing September through early June and rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. High School to Adult singers are invited, and basses and tenors are especially needed this year.
Chancel Choir Members: Click HERE to access music files.
Handbell Choirs
Epiphany is blessed to have two handbell choirs. The Epiphany Ringers rehearse on Tuesday morning from 10 -11:30 am and participate at the Saturday 5:15 pm Mass throughout the year. The Jubilate Ringers rehearse on Thursday evenings from 7pm-8:30 pm and participate in Sunday morning Masses, Christmas Eve and Easter. We are seeking new members in each choir. September is a great time to join as we will begin another year together.
Cherub Choir
The Cherub Choir is for young people in kindergarten through grade 5. Give your little cherub the chance to show their musical talents and enhance our liturgy! This ministry practices during the child’s religious education class and they sing at four Masses throughout the season.
Cherub Choir: Click HERE to access music files.
Do you play an instrument? Would you like to participate at mass? Middle and High School to Adults are encouraged to participate. An informal audition is required.